Wednesday, January 2, 2008

hey hey yall :]

heyy. i just found out my password after about the 30th try soo im happy right now! my cousins just left dallas, and theyre going back to ohio :/ dang. im gonna miss them being here. they are so fun to be around!! well. christmas was offff the heezyyyy! haha. i love saying that :D and i got alot of awesome stuff!! we had our monarchs partyy which was... uhmm. okay. but it was fun cuz the girls are amazing! we walked to the ymca and had a partayy :] well "ever had rice for breakfast" omg katherine... my favvvv cousin. that was hilarious. "YOUR MOMS PRETTY" uhmm. wow... good insult :] lol. well. im just sitting round here tonight. this is like the boringest night of my winter vacation. but thats okay. im talkin to people on aim andddd they are fun. omg just 4 more days till school. yikesss. we are supposed to have been writing in our writers notebooks for the past like 4 months. and ive only had 4 entries. sooooo. i = dead by my english teacher!! well byee. and remember... IM A GIRL HEAR ME ROAR!! hahaha. meredith and laura :D love yallll.. goodnight <33

1 comment:

Megs16 said...

heyy gracee! i wrote about you on my blogg :]. haha. so wats up? i tried to write on your aim page but it like messed up. i tried twice but it didnt work. okay well ttyl. love youu. cya mondayy

megan :]